PolyPhone – Past, Present and Future

PolyPhone is being discontinued. The IT Services will switch off PolyPhone by the end of 2013 and continue to operate a VoIP / SIP platform only.

PolyPhone at ETH Zurich

In summer 2004, the PolyPhone project was started as a joint “sipETH” exploration project. Initiated by ETH World (6-year project to develop new forms of communications) and the IT Services – the project focused on implementation of a SIP-based prototype for voice and video services. The service was released as a pilot operation for members of ETH Zurich in May 2006. In the meantime, the PolyPhone system environment has been getting on in years and will no longer be renewed. Partially due to the existance of professional OpenScapeVoice (OSV), we will discontinue PolyPhone at the end of the year (31.12.2013) and continue to operate a VoIP / SIP platform only.

PolyPhone Alternatives

ETH Employees

Additional services (Unified Communications & Collaboration / UCC) for official ETH phone numbers will be published as soon as possible.

ETH Students

The 044658 xx xx numbers will no longer be available as of 31.12.2013. Private call by call subscriptions must be modified or terminated. Below are links that offer possible alternatives for unlimited use and free provider choice.


Please direct any inquiries to polyphone@id.ethz.ch.

For more details please visit our German blog.

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