DOI 2.0 in Production

At the beginning of August the second version of the ETH Library DOI Registration Tool was deployed and is currently in production.

A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is used to give an electronic document a unique designation. It is comparable to an ISBN (example of a DOI name: 10.3929/ethz-a-000565688). The DOI name is used for citing an object on the Internet. It is a permanent identifier which takes the user to the current version of the relevant web page and thus offers an advantage over citing by means of a (frequently temporary) URL address.

DOI Desk at ETH Zurich

The ETH Zurich DOI Desk is a service provided by the ETHZ library, with technical support from IT Services ETH Zurich. The DOI Desk allows DOI names to be registered in Switzerland in collaboration with DataCite and the International DOI Foundation (two international non-profit organisations for the publication and management of DOIs).

The DOI Management Tool is a web-based platform used to periodically harvest DOIs and metadata from customers (universities and libraries), via standard interfaces (OAI-PMH),  and  register them with DataCite and the British Library.

Second Version of the DOI-Tool

The second version of the DOI Management Tool is a complete re-implementation in Java (JEE) of a previous prototype, expanding classic DOI registration to include metadata management (authors, titles,…).

DOI 2.0 is the first application of the “Identity/Access Management & eServices” group which uses our novel order-based framework where each operation is centrally processed by an “Order Management Engine”. DOI 2.0 also uses  the new PostgreSQL database infrastructure of the Hosting Group (ID Basisdienste) as a repository. With activation of DOI 2.0, the DOI Desk at ETHZ has bcome the second largest metadata provider of the consortium.

DOI 2.0 Screenshot
DOI 2.0 Screenshot

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