IT Services Quality and Process Management

Dieter Gut, ITS Management, describes his role as a quality manager very succinctly:

“Quality management is to ensure that all IT services accurately satisfy customer expectations, in a reproducible fashion, leaving nothing to chance.”

Obviously it is not all that simple. Why else are there entire libraries written by brilliant people on how to achieve the above? Success lies not in the implementation of numerous recommendations but in the adaptation of processes to the needs and capabilities of each organization. The correct approach: Continuously coming closer to one’s goal over an extended period of time. Basically this is the continuous improvement process (CIP). An easier workload for all parties involved and a decrease of complaints, sometimes even an increase in positive customer feedback, is proof of success.

Quality and Process Management

My tasks also include IT Service Continuity Management and Security Management. These sub-processes each have exactly the same process as the main cycle (Deming Cycle).

Setting Objectives

Our goals are to satisfy customer expectations and comply with specifications. It requires effort on our part to determine and verify changing customer expectations. The correct rules and regulations must be defined and recognized.

Production of IT Services

Our main task is to design and produce the stipulated services to meet customer expectations.

Measuring Success

We use special methods to measure performance degree and compare with specifications.


IT services do not always meet expectations; they sometimes “sneak” almost unnoticed out of the target range. For this reason adjustments are always necessary.


The cycle continues with a re-examination of goals.

The next run helps verify whether the problem has lessened or increased. Trained teams who have a feel for correct measures are successful troubleshooters. They remain unruffled even in the face of unexpected problems (continuity).

Complex Process Machinery

The above all sounds very easy. However, production of IT services requires a very complex process machinery. To produce the desired quality none of it may jam. My personal goal is to learn about existing processes and along with processes still to be introduced, position them correctly. I cannot achieve this alone; sooner or later I will need the support of all ITS employees. My first impression tells me that I can count on your assistance.

Quality Management Process Overview



Dieter Gut
ITS Management
Quality and Process Management


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