OIS Management transferred to ITS User Services

Management of OIS to be transferred to the User Services division effective July 1 2012.

The (ETH-) Operational Information System (OIS) secures the ongoing, central maintenance of ETH data which is comprised of teaching, human resources, finance, real estate management and some other domains. The OIS thereby plays a pivotal role in the support of the university’s main administrative processes. The system and its server and client infrastructures were developed 1998-2005 under the auspices of the former ITS division Academic Management Applications and Support division which remained responsible for system development and operation until today.

1st-Level Support/2nd-Level Support

On July 1 2011, ITS Service Delivery (ID SDL) assumed responsibility of 2nd-level support for the Central Organs workplace infrastructure (ZO-support) and since Oct.1 2011 this division is also additionally responsible for 2nd-level support for OIS users (ETH internal and partly external users). The above tasks are handled within the division by the groups Workplace and Application Support respectively. 1st level support is provided by the Service Desk.

Technical Operation Transferred

On July 1 2012 responsibility for OIS technical operation has been transferred to the division ITS User Services, group Web / DB Hosting. Further development of OIS will be handled by the division ITS Software Services, successor to Academic Management Applications and Support. As a result of the above restructuring, OIS services will henceforth be provided by 3 different ITS divisions (SWS, BD and SDL). To help achieve our goal of optimal services for OIS users, division responsibilities and authorizations have been clearly delineated.

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