Online journalism and editorial standards

A website is your window to the outer worldwhether before and after Web Relaunch.

For this reason ETH websites should:

  • be tailored to the needs of target groups and provide relevant information
  • be current
  • be comprehensible
  • contain correct information only
  • include a professional contact. This can be either a natural person or an impersonal point of contact. At least one communication possibility must be specified, either phone, email or both.
  • be bilingual (German and preferably UK English). All web pages must be created in both language versions. If contents are available in one language only, the page with the missing translation must include a reference text and link to the other page.
  • be reviewed every six months after the last update to check whether all the information is current and correct.
  • preferably be written  in Swiss Standard German (ss instead of ß, no dialect)
  • leave proper names unchanged (correct capitalization)
  • use gender-sensitive language (German: tips at
  • have headings which adhere to standard rules of upper and lower case
  • insert quotation marks in German as follows: «zitierter Text» / «Guillemets» pointing outward
  • insert quotation marks in English as follows: “quoted text” / the English or Anglo-American form is common in English publications only
  • refer to Duden when in doubt
  • publish dates (German as well as English) in the “day month year” format, e.g. 3 March 2012


Contact for IT Services websites (ITS)

Sabine Hoffmann, ITS Managment, Marketing & Communication
English: Minda Rubinfeld, ITS Managment, Marketing & Communication

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in News English