Reminder: Out-of Office e-mail auto-reply and PC off

Wishing all blog users a happy festive season and a wonderful New Year.

Please make sure that you have set an out-of-office auto reply when away from ETH.

Consider your e-mail as an electronic business card and first impression. As with non-electronic documents, there are also certain rules pertaining to e-mails. Guidelines and instructions, covering ETH Zurich signature as well, can be found in the ETH Zürich Corporate-Design-Manual  (German / nethz Login) under the heading «E-Mail».

PC completely shut off not just stand-by mode

In case of longer absences turn off all devices that don’t need network connection (clients, test equipment, etc.). In addition to IT security, this also helps protect our environment (power save).


Foto Allen Neeser, ITS-Systemdienste

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