IT-manuals sale for students and staff

Our popular University of Hanover IT-manuals (in German only) will be on sale next week:

  • Tuesday, March 22, Hönggerberg in the HIL entrance hall
  • Wednesday, March 23, ETH Centre HG F33.1

Opening hours from 11.00-16.00 o’clock

The University of Hanover (RRZN) manuals enjoy an excellent reputation in German-speaking countries. These manuals, for the most part, are used in our courses and are suitable for IT self-mastery or as a reference work at the office. Despite their low price, in scope and depth these manuals can easily compete with more expensive books.

List of titles: (included in this list are also titles that are not part of our course program)

Please note:

  • Purchase of manuals with presentation of a valid ETH-/Uni identity card only
  • Cash sale only; please prepare the correct change
  • Per title only 1 copy per person allowed
  • Price of manuals range between CHF 12.- und 15.-
  • In addition, older versions of certain manuals are available at reduced prices

We look forward to your visit

Your IT-Training Team

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