IT-Course List 2010 online

The IT-Services Training Team is glad to inform you that our course-list for 2010 has been put online!

Under «Neuerungen im Kursprogramm 2010» ttp://
you can find all new courses for the spring-semester 2010 at a glance.

The renewal of our «Mac-classroom» gives us the possibility to offer a revised, attractive selection of Mac-courses.


Courses in English

See for all courses in English from A-Z.


News & events lists all courses with a fixed course-date and courses with a link to doodle, to determine a course-date. This link also highlights special events. 

The ITS-Training Team is at your disposal for organizing group or individual training. Please contact us if you would like a non-binding offer:

Best regards,
ITS-Training Team

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