RRZN IT-Manuals Now Available

News from IT-Training:

Our popular RRZN IT-manuals of the University of Hanover (only in German) are now on sale!



Wednesday    September 30th 09    at ETH Centre HG F33.1
Thursday       Octobre 1st 09   at Hönggerberg in the HIL entrance hall

Opening Hours from 11.00-16.30 o’clock


The University of Hanover (EDP) manuals enjoy an excellent reputation in German-speaking countries.

These manuals which will be used in our courses are suitable for IT self-mastery or as a reference work at the office.
Despite their low price, these manuals can easily compete in scope and depth with more expensive books.

List of titles: (included in this list are also titles that are not part of our course program)

Please note:

  • Purchase of manuals with presentation of a valid ETH-/Uni identity card only.
  • Cash sale only; please prepare the correct change.
  • Per title only 1 copy per person allowed.
  • Price of manuals range between CHF 10.- und 14.-
  • In addition, older versions of certain manuals are available at reduced prices.

We look forward to your visit.
Your IT-Training Team

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