ETH Zurich co-leads Matterhorn project with UC Berkeley

Starting on July 1st, 13 universities from the US and Europe have launched the Opencast Matterhorn project to build an Open Source management system for academic video. ETH Zurich, together with UC Berkeley, is a driving force behind this initiative which originates from the Opencast Community. The community is dedicated to foster open technologies, open formats and open (video) content to be shared across institutional and national boundaries.

The idea behind Matterhorn is to enable institutions to easily produce, manage and distribute audiovisual content, with a focus on lecture recording.  In this, Matterhorn will be a follow-up to REPLAY, an Open Source solution developed by ITS’ Multimedia Services; Matterhorn will feature a number of functionalities REPLAY has, such as indexation and search.

The official press release from UC Berkeley, together with a video introducing to the idea of Matterhorn, can be found here.

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