Last week, as we moved the university on-line and instructed students and staff to stay at home, I wrote an internal email emphasising our duty to contain the spread of the virus, and protect the health of our families and fellow citizens.
Today, I want to address all of the colleagues, students, researchers, teaching staff, employees, alumni, friends, and members of ETH at home and abroad, with this blog post. The situation is still evolving and we are only at the beginning of a journey that demands a lot from each of us. And we can’t fully comprehend yet what challenges are still to come.
But I am confident that we will manage the situation together. I have been overwhelmed by the positive, can-do attitude and solidarity expressed by so many in the ETH community. I have been impressed by the wealth of initiatives that students and ETH members have taken these days to help where help is most urgently needed. I would also like to mention the many hours worked by many colleagues to maintain emergency operations and make online teaching possible.